-Address: 269A, Nguyen Thai Hoc street, My Hoa ward, Long Xuyen city, An Giang Province -Tel: 0296.3852212 - Fax: 0296.3854598 -Email: sokhcn@angiang.gov.vn -Web: http://sokhcn.angiang.gov.vn
1. Department of Science and Technology is a professional agency of the provincial People's Committee (PPC). Its function is offering PPC managements of science and technology, including scientific and technological activities; development of science and technology potentials; standards, metrology, quality; intellectual property, radiational applications and radioisotopes; radiation and nuclear safety; public services in the fields belonging to the Department’s management in the province as stipulated by law.
2.Science and Technology Department has legal status, separate stamp and account; is under the direction and management about organizing, staffing and operating of the PPC; and under the direction, guidance, inspection, examination of the Ministry of Science and Technology on professional activities
Responsibilities and Rights
1. To submit to the provincial People's Committee:
a) Drafts of decisions and directives; planning, five-year and annual scientific and technological planning; programs and methods for the implementation of the tasks of administrative reform and managing decentralization in the field of science and technology in the province;
b) The structures, policies and methods to promote scientific and technological research and development, technological transfer, development of technological market, efficient use of potentials and scientific and technological application;
c) Drafts of regulation of functions, duties and rights of sub-branches; decisions of establishment and regulations on the organization and operation of the Fund of the development of local science and technology;
d) Drafts of document specifying the conditions and criteria for granting the title of chairman and vice-level of organizations under the Department; prescribing professional standards of leaders and managers in the field of science and technology Chamber of Economics or Chamber of Industry and Commerce under the People’s Committee of districts, towns and cities (called DPC);
e) Estimation of the annual state budget for science and technology of the provinice based on the sum of estimation of the Departments and agencies, the DPC and the relevant institutions.
2. To submit to the President of the PPC:
a) Drafts of decision on establishment, merger and dissolution of sub-branches under the Department as stipulated by law; establishment of provincial science and technology Council as stipulated by Science and Technology Law, guidance of the Ministry of Science and Technology;
b) Drafts of decisions and directives under the Chairman of PPC’s authority on the fields of science and technology.
3. Guiding, testing and conducting legislation, planning, plans, mechanisms and policies authorized, issued and approved by upper institutions; informing, popularizing, guiding, educating laws of science and technology; guiding Departments, DPC, local scientific and technological organizations on science and technology management.
4. Organizing the inspection and supervision of the use of the state budget for science and technology of the province as stipulated by the Law on State Budget.
5. Managing the issuance, amendment, revocation, renewal of licenses, certificates, registrations within the state management of science and technology as prescribed by law or assigned and authorized by the PPC.
6. On the scientific and technological activities, development of the scientific and technological potentials:
a) Recruiting, selecting, evaluating, and taking over of scientific and technological tasks; promoting the application, publication, dissemination of scientific research results, scientific research and technological development and other activities; managing principle scientific and technological tasks of the province; coordinating implementation of national scientific and technological tasks in the area;
b) Guiding, supervising the implementation of transformation among governmental scientific and technological organization operating on autonomy, self-responsibility, the establishment and development of science and technology enterprises; guiding the organizations, individuals to germinate technology, science and technology enterprises; supporting organizations and individuals in technological innovation, breakthrough ideas promotion, technical innovation, streamline production and other activities which are applicable to production and business;
c) Guiding, managing transferring technology activities in the area, including transferring technology and assessing, setting prices, technology assessment, brokerage and consulting for transfering technology; evaluation technology of invested projects and evaluating the scienctific and technological content of local economic social development planning as authorization.
d) Organizing the registration and inspecting activities of the scientific and technological organization; certificating scientific and technological enterprise in the province as stipulated by law;
e) Organizing implementation of mechanisms and policies on using wisely scientific and technological official workers; organizing annual training and fostering for local official workers managing science and technology;
f) Organizing work of information, communication, library, scientific and technological statistics and developing technology markets; guiding operation for the service organizations of information science and technology; building technical infrastructure for information and scientific and technology statistics, organizing technology and equipment markets, the transferring technology center, scientific and technological exhibitions; constructing data on human resources and science and technology achievement, investing for development of science information and technology network connected with central and local authorities;
g) Mornitoring and coordinating with other local departments and agencies and concerned authorities to restructure investment of development of science and technology, distributed burget of science and technology;
h) Coordinating with departments in the area and the relevant authorities to propose a list of national interdisciplinary scientific and technological tasks serving for local economic social development; to propose projects of investment and development of local scientific and technological potentials and organize implementation after having authority’s approval;
i) Being on duty of PPC’s Council of Science and Technology.
7. On Intellectual property:
a) Organizating methodologies to develop industrial property and innovation, technical improvements, rationalization of production and other activities in the province; professional guidance of industrial property for local organizations and individuals;
b) Organizating methodologies to protect the legal interests of the nation, organizations and individuals in the field of industrial property in the province as stipulated by law;
c) Mornitoring and coordinating with other local departments and agencies to deal with violation of industrial property rights in the province as stipulated by law;
d) Coordinating with Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Department of Information and Communication, Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in managing intellectual property of the related fields as assigned or authorized by PPC.
8. On standards, metrology, quality:
a) Organizing participation in the construction of local technical standard;
b) Organizing to disseminate and apply national technical standard, local technical standard, national standards, international standards, regional standards, foreign standards; guiding to construct basic standards for organizations and individuals in the area;
c) Organizing, managing and guiding organizations and individuals to manufacture, do business, publishing applicable standards of products, goods, services, processes and environment as assignment and authorization of authorities;
d) Receiving the publication of standards organizations and individuals registering business and production activities in the area; receiving the legal publication in the assigned fields and intergrating and reporting for PPC and Ministry of Science and Technology about the publication in the area;
e) Implementing informing tasks and inquiry on standard, metrology, quality and technical barriers of trading in the province;
f) Organizing testing network, measuring calibration to meet the local requirements; implementing testing, calibration of measurement in the accredited field and scope;
g) Organizing the tests of measurements, quantitative packed goods; implementating measurement and measurement checking methods for organizations and individuals;
h) Organizing to experiment serving for managing requirements of quality of products and goods in the area;
i) Mornitoring and coordinating with relevant agencies to organize the examination of trademarks, quality of products and goods circulating in the area, exported and imported products as assigned or authorized by authorities.
9. On the application of radiation and radioisotopes, radiation and nuclear safety:
a) On the application of radiation and radioisotopes:
- Organizing programs, projects and methods to promote the application of radiation and radioisotopes serving for economic and social development; conducting activities of applying radiation and radioisotopes in the economic and technical sectors in the area;
- Managing the activities of environmental radioactivity in the province;
- Organizing technological services related to applications of radiation and radioisotopes;
- Organizing to register supporting servies applying nuclear energy in the province as assigned by the authorities.
b) On radiation and nuclear safety:
- Organizing the registration of radiation and nuclear as prescribed by law or assigned and authorized by the PPC;
- Managing the report, statistics of radioactive sources, radiational equipment, radioactive waste in the province as prescribed by law;
- Organizing to control and handle of the radiation and nuclear accidents in the province;
- Constructing and integrating with national databases of controlling radiation and nuclear safety in the area.
10. On public service:
a) Guiding non-profit organizations to implement public services in the fields of science and technology in the province;
b) Organizing the implementation of the processes, procedures, and economic and technical norms for the public services in the field of science and technology;
c) Guiding and facilitating the organizations to operate the public service of science and technology as prescribed by law.
11. Supporting the PPC to manage the enterprises, the collective economic organizations, the private sector and guiding, inspecting the activities of the associations, non-governmental organizations in the field of science and technology as prescribed by law.
12. Implementating the international cooperation of science and technology as prescribed by law or assigned and authorized by the PPC.
13. Organizing to research and apply scientific and technical progress; building information and storing systems serving for management of science and technology.
14. Inspecting, testing and handling of violations of the organizations and individuals in the field of science and technology for as prescribed by law; to settling complaints and denunciations; preventing of embezzement, saving and combating waste as prescribed by law or assigned and authorized by the PPC.
15. Defining the functions, tasks, powers, organizational structure, the relationship of the professional organizations and careering organizations under the Department; payroll management, implementation of the wage regime and policies, regime of well-treatment, training, fostering, rewarding, disciplining official workers under the management of the Department as prescribed by law and assigned by the PPC.
16. Financial and property management of the Department as prescribed by law or assigned and authorized by the PPC.
17. Implementation of the informing, reporting every six months or extraordinary about the implementation of assigned tasks as prescribed by the PPC and the Ministry of Science and Technology.
18. Implementating other tasks assigned by the PPC or as prescribed by law.
The divisions:
1-Office of Intellectual Property Management
2-Office of Management Base Science and Technology
3-Office of Inspectation
4-Offices of Department
5-Office of Management Science
6-Office of Technology Management
Standing Agencies:
1-Center of Scientific and Technological Progress Application
2-Agency of Standard - Measurement – Quality
Director: Tầng Phú An
Vice Director: Hoàng Thị Thanh Thủy
Vice Director: Phan Văn Kiến
Translator: Nguyen Thi Dung