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An Giang: Fostering knowledge and communication skills on human rights for media forces

12/06/2024 |

(AG Provincial E-Portal) - On the morning of June 12, the Training and Fostering School for Information and Communications Managers, the Ministry of Information and Communications in coordination with the Department of Information and Communications of An Giang province organized the opening of the class on "Fostering knowledge and communication skills on human rights for media forces" in An Giang province.

View of the class “Fostering knowledge and communication skills on human rights for media forces"

Delegates attending the training class

Dr. Dinh Duc Thien, Principal of the School of Training and Training for Information and Communications Managers, spoke at the training class

Deputy Director of An Giang Department of Information and Communications Vo Minh Tuan persented a speech at the opening of the training class

Dr. Doan Truong Thu - Director, Head of Political Department, Communist magazines shared topics on laws, international mechanisms, perspectives, policies on human rights and interacted with delegates

Delegates took souvenir photos at the opening ceremony

Dr. Dinh Duc Thien, Principal of the Training and Fostering School for Information and Communications Managers; Dr. Doan Truong Thu – Director,  Head of Political Department, Communist Magazines; Deputy Director of An Giang Department of Information and Communications Vo Minh Tuan and more than 40 delegates from the media force and officials of provincial departments, branches and branches attended.

During 4 days (June 12 - 15), delegates listen to 5 topics: International laws and mechanisms on ensuring human rights; viewpoints and legal policies of the Party and State on human rights; achievements in ensuring human rights in all fields; priorities in foreign affairs on human rights; dialogue and struggle in the field of human rights in Vietnam today. At the same time, going on field trips and writing articles focusing on knowledge and communication skills, external information on human rights.

Speaking at the opening of the class, Dr. Dinh Duc Thien, Principal of the Training and Fostering School for Information and Communications Managers, emphasized: Propaganda work on human rights is a political task and a regular responsibility of the entire political system, for immediate and long term. Information and communications on human rights must be conducted regularly, continuously, in diverse forms so that all classes of people understand and strictly comply with human rights laws; fight and criticize wrong views and arguments about human rights.

The class aims to improve the capacity of the human rights communication team in An Giang province. From there, creating a change in society's awareness and understanding of human rights; help people in the province, compatriots abroad and international friends clearly understand the views, policies, efforts and results achieved in the work of protecting and promoting human rights in Vietnam and around the provincial area; Enhancing the reputation of An Giang province and Vietnam in the field of human rights domestically, regionally and internationally./.

News by Phan Huu

Translation by Thi Huynh



An Giang: Fostering knowledge and communication skills on human rights for media forces
