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Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee congratulated the press agencies on the occasion of Vietnam Revolutionary Press Day

21/06/2024 |

(AG Provincial E-Portal) - On the occasion of the 99th anniversary of Vietnam Revolutionary Press Day (June 21, 1925 - June 21, 2024), on the afternoon of June 20, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of An Giang Provincial Party Committee Le Hong Quang led The head of the province's delegation visited and congratulated An Giang Newspapers and An Giang Radio and Television Station.

Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of An Giang Provincial Party Committee Le Hong Quang and provincial leaders visited, congratulated, gave flowers and gifts at An Giang Newspapers​

Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of An Giang Provincial Party Committee Le Hong Quang and provincial leaders visited, congratulated, gave flowers and gifts at An Giang Radio and Television Station

At the destinations, the Provincial Party Secretary listened to leaders of press agencies reporting on the results achieved in carrying out assigned political tasks in the first 6 months of 2024, related to organizational structure and operations, advantages, difficulties, directions and key tasks in the coming time.

After listening to their reports, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of An Giang Provincial Party Committee Le Hong Quang acknowledged and praised the efforts and results of the press agencies, each officer, reporters, editors, technicians, workers as well as the team of people who directly and indirectly do journalism have achieved over time. Comrade Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee affirmed: "With the spirit of solidarity, intelligence, commitment, and dedication, the team of officials and reporters vividly reflects the picture of Party building and socio-economic development, national defense - security of the province and the breath of life of the people. Reporters are always present in key places, promptly reflect the guidelines and policies of the Party and State, contributing to building and developing the province. The results of information and propaganda work of press agencies have contributed positively to the development of the province in creating consensus among officials, party members and people of all walks of life on implementing the Party’s policy as well as the State’s policies and laws to promote socio-economic development and ensure national defense and security. At the same time, they also share with the current difficulties and challenges of the units."

Secretary of An Giang Provincial Party Committee Le Hong Quang proposed that in the coming time, An Giang Newspapers and An Giang Radio and Television Station should increase innovation in the content and form of Party activities, contributing to improving the quality of Party activities; Strictly comply with the Party's regulations, especially the principles of organizing Party activities. Strengthen educational, political, ideological, and moral work, improve political bravery; Professional ethics and professional expertise for the team of reporters and editors.

Strengthen discipline and order, improve the fighting power of Party grassroots organizations in the unit. Implement well the principle of democratic centralism; Strengthen the working relationship between Party committees and unit leaders, unions... Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of inspection and supervision; Actively and proactively prevent and combat corruption, negativity, waste, and group interests. Building An Giang Newspapers and An Giang Radio and Television Station to truly be the representative cultural agency and each journalist, reporter, and editor to be a pioneer soldier on the ideological and cultural front of the Party.

Along with that, the collective of officers, reporters, editors, and technicians of An Giang Newspapers and An Giang Radio and Television Station should continue to promote the glorious tradition of Vietnam's revolutionary press, promoting the spirit of solidarity and democracy in operations; Proactively innovate content, format, and improve the quality of broadcast programs and articles; Promote the application of information technology, pioneer in digital transformation to keep up with modern journalism development trends.

In addition, leaders of press agencies need to focus on improving the political, professional, and professional qualifications of their staff, reporters, and editors to better meet their information roles and responsibilities; propagate and create conditions for each officer and employee to feel secure in their work, dedication, and together build a strong unit and successfully complete assigned political tasks.

On this occasion, the Provincial Party Secretary gave the press agencies a basket of fresh flowers; congratulated the collective of journalists on their health, happiness, success, and continue to contribute to the cause of building and developing Uncle Ton's homeland to become increasingly rich, beautiful, civilized and developed. At the same time, leaders of newspaper and radio agencies sent best wishes to Journalist Hoang Ky, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of An Giang Provincial Party Committee on the occasion of Vietnam Revolutionary Press Day./.

News by Thu Thao
Translation by Thi Huynh


Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee congratulated the press agencies on the occasion of Vietnam Revolutionary Press Day
