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An Giang held a meeting to celebrate the 99th anniversary of Vietnam Revolutionary Press Day

24/06/2024 |

(AG Provincial E-Portal) - On the occasion of the 99th anniversary of Vietnam Revolutionary Press Day (June 21, 1925 - June 21, 2024), on the afternoon of June 21, the Provincial Party Committee, People's Council, People's Committee, Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of An Giang province held a meeting of journalists, reporters from press agencies inside and outside the province.

Welcoming performance

Delegates attending the meeting

Attending were Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of An Giang Provincial People's Council Le Van Nung; Vice Chairman of An Giang Provincial People's Committee Le Van Phuoc; Vice Chairwoman of An Giang Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Thi Minh Thuy; Colonel Lam Phuoc Nguyen, Director of An Giang Provincial Public Security; Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of An Giang province Ha Minh Trang, along with leaders of provincial departments, agencies, organizations, delegates, veteran journalists, reporters and editors of the province's press agencies, resident reporters for the local Central press.

Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Thi Minh Thuy delivered a welcome speech on the occasion of Vietnam Revolutionary Press Day June 21

Speaking at the meeting, Vice Chairwoman of An Giang Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Thi Minh Thuy emphasized that 2024 is a year of special significance, a year of acceleration that contributes to completing the goals of the socio-economic plan in 2024 and the 5-year plan for the period 2021-2025. In the first 6 months of 2024, although there are still many difficulties and challenges, the socio-economic situation in the country in general and An Giang province in particular has recorded many outstanding points.

The economic growth rate (GRDP) in 6 months is estimated to increase by 6.60% over the same period, higher than the growth rate of the same period last year (6.50%). Agriculture, industry, trade and services all have good growth rates. The fields of culture and social security continue to receive attention and perform well. Social order, safety, national defense and security are guaranteed. Tourism activities have prospered. From the beginning of the year until now, the whole province has welcomed over 7 million visitors, an increase of 16% over the same period and reaching 78% of the 2024 plan. Right from the beginning of the year, An Giang province has allocated 100% of the capital plan assigned by the Central Government; to focus on finding solutions and removing difficulties in the supply of construction materials; Organize inspection of key projects, remove difficulties and obstacles, and promote construction progress. The disbursement value by the end of June is estimated at 3,252 billion VND, reaching 40.5% of the assigned capital plan.

In particular, the Province has successfully organized many typical economic and cultural events such as: Ceremony to announce An Giang Provincial Planning for the period 2021 - 2030, vision to 2050; Chau Doc bridge opening ceremony belonged to the project on building a regional link road from Tan Chau town to Chau Doc city, connecting with Kien Giang and Dong Thap provinces; Inauguration ceremony of the project connecting National Highway 91 and Long Xuyen city bypass; Ba Chua Xu Festival of Sam Mountain in 2024 combined the 10th anniversary of Ba Chua Xu Festival of Sam Mountain, which was included in the list of national intangible cultural heritage (2014-2024).

The positive results that the province has achieved, in addition to the efforts of the political system and the people of the province, also have the important contributions of press agencies, reporters, and journalists inside and outside the province, has always accompanied An Giang province.

On the occasion of the 99th anniversary of Vietnam Revolutionary Press Day, Vice Chairwoman of An Giang Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Thi Minh Thuy wished all leaders of press agencies, journalists, reporters, and editors of press agencies, media inside and outside An Giang province had a meaningful anniversary, always burning the fire of passion for the profession, with the spirit of "Bright eyes, clear heart, sharp pen" as journalist Huu Tho summarized and obtained many values and happiness in life.

Chairman of the Vietnam Journalists Association of An Giang province Tan Van Ngu spoke at the meeting

Deputy Director of An Giang Radio and Television Nguyen Xuan Bang spoke at the meeting

Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the People's Council of An Giang province Le Van Nung gave congratulatory gifts to journalists and reporters

Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Le Van Phuoc gave congratulatory gifts to journalists and reporters​

Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Thi Minh Thuy gave congratulatory gifts to journalists and reporters

At the meeting, delegates reviewed the 99-year glorious tradition of the Vietnamese Revolutionary Press in general and the provincial press in particular. In recent years, the team of journalists in the province has always shown bravery, a sense of responsibility, enthusiasm, and timely information and propaganda in all areas of social life, reflecting the outstanding achievements of the province, promoting its role as a bridge between the Party, the government and the People, making an important contribution to the socio-economic development of the province.

Vice Chairman of An Giang Provincial People's Committee Le Van Phuoc spoke at the meeting to celebrate Vietnam Revolutionary Press Day on June 21

Speaking at the meeting, Vice Chairman of An Giang Provincial People's Committee Le Van Phuoc praised and congratulated the team of journalists who have strived and achieved many great achievements; In particular, he highly appreciated the contribution, companionship, and encouragement of press agencies with the Party Committee and government of An Giang province; timely and vividly reflected achievements in all aspects of political, economic, cultural, social life, and topical, key activities of the locality; Actively propagated good values, praised advanced examples, fighting against negative manifestations and behaviors in society, actively contributed to the Party, government and people of An Giang province in successfully implementing the local socio-economic development goals and tasks.

At the same time, he highly appreciated the development of the province's press team in recent times, as well as the quantity and quality of An Giang's press publications which are increasingly improved and highly professional. Many published journalistic works are topical and of good quality, demonstrating the capacity, professional skills and enthusiasm of journalists. In addition, more and more journalists and reporters from An Giang Newspapers and An Giang Radio and Television Station have good articles and win high prizes at national press awards, thereby making an important contribution in promoting the images and people of An Giang to friends at home and abroad. However, the press needs to continuously innovate and be creative to find new directions, new contents, new journalism methods, and new ways of reporting to meet the needs and demands of the People. The success of the press and media plays an important role in protecting the Party, protecting the regime, building and developing our country.

With the new requirements and tasks set out in the current period, Vice Chairman of An Giang Provincial People's Committee Le Van Phuoc requested party committees, local authorities, press agencies, officials, reporters, journalists pay attention and focus on performing a number of tasks well:

The team of press reporters needs to constantly improve their political bravery; always maintain ethics and behavior, worthy of being shock soldiers on the cultural and ideological front of the Party and State; continue to cultivate knowledge, actively learn from experience, apply technology in the content production process, flexibly apply the achievements of the digital transformation process, thereby improving the quality of news articles, according to direction of keeping up with today's modern journalism trends.

Press agencies need to promote the implementation of the "Press digital transformation strategy to 2025, orientation to 2030" according to Decision 348/QD-TTg dated April 6, 2023 of the Prime Minister.

The province's press agencies and journalist associations need to research, creatively apply, and effectively organize and deploy the Party's guidelines, policies, and laws of the State; Decisions of the Prime Minister on the National Press Development and Management Plan to 2025, Professional Ethical Regulations and Rules for the Use of Social Networks by Vietnamese Journalists; Strengthen policy communication to the people.

For central and extra-provincial press agencies, journalists and reporters continue to promote the spirit of responsibility, objectivity, and honesty in operational activities, provide accurate, timely, and diverse information about the socio-economic situation and typical events of the province; Timely and honestly reflect aspirations and opinions, convey practical information to domestic and foreign readers. At the same time, the also need to promote the role as a bridge in introducing and promoting the images, land, people, potentials, strengths, and investment attraction policies of An Giang province to readers, domestic and foreign investors.

At the same time, party committees, authorities, agencies and units must regularly pay attention to leading, directing and creating favorable conditions for press activities; Strictly implement the Party and State's regulations on disciplining speech and providing information to the press to promptly exchange, care, help, coordinate, and create conditions for press agencies to complete well their mission.

Promoting the 99-year glorious tradition of the Vietnamese Revolutionary Press, Vice Chairman of An Giang Provincial People's Committee Le Van Phuoc believes that today's press team, with affection, conscience, and responsibility for the journalism career, revolutionary spirit, civic duty and social responsibility, will continue the traditions of previous generations, making an important contribution to national development; Joining forces to build An Giang, President Ton Duc Thang's hometown, to become increasingly rich and developed.

Leaders of An Giang province took souvenir photos with journalists and reporters

News by DT-TC

Translation by Thi Huynh



An Giang held a meeting to celebrate the 99th anniversary of Vietnam Revolutionary Press Day
