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Joining the first 2 bridges on the Chau Doc - Can Tho - Soc Trang highway

07/06/2024 |

(AG Provincial E-Portal) - On the afternoon of June 6, Director of the Management Board of Investment Projects for Construction of Transport and Agricultural Works of An Giang province Dinh Van To and Deputy Director Nguyen Thanh Cuong visited the scene and gave gifts to encourage workers working for package No. 44 of 1st Component Project of the Construction Investment Project for Chau Doc - Can Tho - Soc Trang highway, phase 1, section passing through Vinh Nhuan commune (Chau Thanh district, An Giang province).

The Management Board of Investment Projects for Construction of Transport and Agricultural Works of An Giang province surveyed bidding package No. 44

The Management Board of Investment Projects for Construction of Transport and Agricultural Works of An Giang province gave gifts to encourage workers

Deploying construction at the working site

Moving the beams to join into shores

Installation of beams for joining Kenh Ngang Hue Duc bridge 

Workers install bridge beams for bridge joinning

Overview of installing beams for joining Kenh Ngang Hue Duc bridge

In this bidding package, Thanh Huy Group Joint Stock Company is installing beams for joining Kenh Ngang Hue Duc bridge. Previously, contractor Thanh Huy completed the construction and joining of Kenh Dong 2 bridge. With the additional joining of Kenh Ngang Hue Duc bridge, this contractor successfully completed the first two bridges on the entire Chau Doc - Can Tho - Soc Trang highway.

Director of the Management Board of Investment Projects for Construction of Transport and Agricultural Works in An Giang Province Dinh Van To praised the efforts of the contractor and gave 10 gifts to encourage workers at the construction site.

According to the Management Board of Investment Projects for Construction of Transport and Agricultural Works of An Giang province (investment owner of the Chau Doc - Can Tho - Soc Trang expressway section via An Giang), all 4 bidding packages of the highway section passing through An Giang completed the construction ahead of the contract schedule. Of which, package number 44 (from Chau Thanh district - Thoai Son district, 12.2km long), implemented by the joint venture of 471 Joint Stock Company - Thanh Huy Group Joint Stock Company and Dai Phong Infrastructure Construction Joint Stock Company and had the highest disbursement progress, reaching 27.64% of the contract value.

The remaining bidding packages include: Package No. 42 (from Chau Doc city to Chau Phu district, nearly 17km long), construction progress reached 12.8% of plan; Contract No. 43 (from Chau Phu district - Chau Thanh district, 14km long), construction progress reached 16.56%; Package No. 45 (from Thoai Son district - Vinh Thanh district, Can Tho city, 13.8km long), construction progress reached 9.68%.

Construction Commander of Thanh Huy Group JS Company, Vo Dai Thach, said that after being granted a sand mine by the People's Committee of An Giang province according to a special mechanism, the unit has increased workers, gathered facilities, materials, and machinery, carried out the construction day and night "3 shifts, 4 crews", focusing on completing the bridge, road and other works of the joint venture package./.

News by Ngo Chuan - Duy Anh

Translation by Thi Huynh


Joining the first 2 bridges on the Chau Doc - Can Tho - Soc Trang highway
