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Encourage cooperatives led by women, which generate employment opportunities for female employees

26/06/2024 |

(AG Provincial E-Portal) - The Plan to implement the Project "Supporting Cooperatives Managed by Women, Creating Jobs for Female Workers until 2030" was issued by the An Giang Provincial People's Committee on June 17. Phase I consists of 2023-2025 and 2024.

(Photo – Source: An Giang province e-information portal)

Consequently, the objective is to ensure that all female managers of cooperatives and cooperative groups (including chairmen, members of the Board of Directors, directors, members of the Supervisory Board, accountants, and group leaders) are trained, cultivated, and enhanced in their management and administrative capabilities in accordance with the production and business operations of the cooperatives and cooperative groups by 2024. This includes training and fostering for members and workers in the cooperative, as well as for women who wish to engage in collective economic development.

A total of 100% of the Association's officials who are responsible for supporting the development of cooperatives and cooperative groups were trained. Additionally, at least 80% of the Association's officials at all levels will have their skills in propaganda, advocacy, and support for members and women to participate in collective economic development strengthened.

In this way, the Association will concentrate on the consolidation and enhancement of the operational efficiency and quality of at least five cooperatives and 66 cooperative groups that are managed and operated by women and are supported by the organisation at all levels.

The province has proposed several critical tasks in order to effectively implement the plan in the future. The first task is to promote propaganda and mobilise women to raise awareness about the importance of supporting collective economic development and cooperation communes.  Enhance and consolidate the quality of operations of cooperatives and cooperative groups managed and operated by women, thereby generating additional employment opportunities for female employees. Support, advise, and construct cooperatives managed by women, thereby generating additional employment opportunities for female employees.

Additionally, assistance in enhancing the quality of human resources in cooperatives managed and operated by women, thereby generating additional employment opportunities for female employees.  Enhance the quality of the Association's direction and administration at all levels to facilitate the growth and advancement of cooperative and collective economies; fortify international collaboration. 

In order to advance the role of women in collective economic development, promote gender equality in the field of economy, create employment opportunities for women, and engage in social activities, it is necessary to support cooperatives managed by women.

Author: HY

Source: Plan No. 351/KH-BCDDA01 dated June 17, 2024
Translator: Kim Thuan




Encourage cooperatives led by women, which generate employment opportunities for female employees
